If you delay or postpone routine house cleaning, you’ll need to spend hours on the task due to dust accumulation. Nevertheless, you don’t have to clean the entire house in a single day to maintain the residence’s tidiness.
Certain areas call for everyday cleaning, whereas weekly or periodical cleanup suffices for other spaces. Cleaning a home with dogs requires extra effort, and the tips below can help you do that with less stress.
A pet dog or cat can be a great addition to your family as they make excellent and reliable companions. However, keeping the house squeaky clean can be quite challenging, to say the least, especially when you have a pet. Here are four valuable but straightforward tips that you can follow for keeping every nook and cranny free of dog hairs and paw prints.
Cleaning Starts Right from the Entrance
Most house pets tend to be active and lively, which means they leave their footprints. Their footprints or instead paw prints become noticeable and ubiquitous, particularly during the rainy and winter seasons. Surely you wouldn’t want to keep your pet locked inside your home during snowy days or monsoons to prevent muddy tracks.
The best solution would be to place a large doormat near the entrance and layer the rug with a bathmat. The bathmat takes all the mud and dirt brought in by your dog, thereby keeping the doormat clean. You can easily clean the bathmat when it gets dirty.
Use These Two Tools to Get Rid of Dog Hairs
If you have a hard time keeping your home free of dog hairs, use these two tools. Use a vacuum cleaner; a cordless one would be apt for a smooth and fast vacuuming job. A microfiber mop is another versatile tool for removing dog hairs from furniture, floors, dining tables, chairs, etc.
Using these tools, cleaning homes with dogs ensures you clean from deep corners and keep allergens away. In a clean environment, both you and your pet remain healthy.
Place Comfy Throws on Upholstered Furniture to Keep Them Spic and Span
No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to keep your pet from curling up on the sofa. Place a couple of snug and comfy throws on the couch and every other upholstered furniture piece to keep them thoroughly clean.
Your cushion and upholstered furniture would get spills and stains over time. Use a diluted soap/bleach mixture to scrub the fabric. It won’t cause any discoloration too.
Protect Hardwood Floors from Pet Food and Water Spilling out of Bowls
Make sure to place the pet food bowl on a silicone mat to protect the floor (especially a hardwood floor). Grub or water from the pet bowl usually spills out when your pet enjoys their meal. A silicone mat underneath the bowl checks the water or food from spilling directly onto the floor.
Just like you care for your dog, it’s essential to care for the environment you both live in. These lovely creatures tend to spill food, and their hair can cause allergens. Hence, you must keep your surroundings in the most hygienic conditions.
If you are looking for professional help for cleaning homes with dogs in Clearwater, FL, you can contact Cleaning Service Clearwater Company. Besides the regular home cleaning services, the company also takes on special home cleaning projects such as homes with pets. They have trained their professionals with the most advanced cleaning methods and equipped them with the best cleaning tools and chemicals. Such measures ensure that your house remains clean and the products used don’t cause any allergens to your lovely pets.
Picture Credit: Pexels