If you’ve got hard water, mineral buildup could be the cause of your scratchy towels. To lift deposits, wash the towels in the hottest water.
✅ Use a little less detergent than you’re directed to use for each load
✅ Always wash towels separately from other clothes.
✅ When washing towels, don’t overfill the washer.
✅ If you add a cap of white vinegar to the rinse cycle, it will disperse any remaining soap and give you a soft, fluffy towel.
✅ Store folded towels side-by-side rather than in stacks. This helps prevent the bottom towels from being flattened by the ones above.
✅ Enjoy your fresh, fluffed, and absorbent towels!
If you need your residence cleaned call Cleaning Service Clearwater Company at (727) 410-784
Picture Credit: Thomas Cotton